Girls set Computer Science record…skyrocketing growth outpaces boys

Setting a new record for AP Computer Science
The results are in: 29,000 female students took an AP Computer Science exam this year, which is more than the entire AP CS exam participation when launched four years ago. The introduction of AP CS Principles this past school year was the largest College Board AP exam launch in history and has skyrocketed participation in CS especiallyamong female students and minorities.

Participation by girls and minorities outpaces the rest – but there’s a loooong way to go
We’ve seen improvement in the diversity of AP Computer Science every year since launched in 2013, thanks to the collaboration of partners, and the dedicated effort of thousands of CS teachers. Of course, even though the trends are in the right direction, there’s a long long way to go to balance diversity in computer science.

Thank you

Hadi Partovi